A research institute dedicated to enabling innovative work on a wide variety of themes.

Featured Project

Armenian Genocide Denial

The Armenian Genocide Denial project will support and produce research on the history and dynamics of Armenian genocide denial, its geopolitical and economic implications, and the struggle against it both within and outside Turkey. The project will encourage comparative, multidisciplinary perspectives on the study of denial, the production of “alternative facts,” and the manufacturing of controversy by “merchants of doubt.” The academic disciplines associated with the project's research will primarily be History, Political Science, and Philosophy.

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Featured Workshop

Project on Art, Archaeology, and the First Emperor

This workshop is part of a multi-year project that invites scholars in Chinese, Central Asian, and Greco-Roman studies to examine together the archaeological sites and finds near the mausoleum of the First Emperor in China and to exchange ideas and research results at NYU’s campuses in Shanghai and in New York. A core group of […]

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