
NYU-Collège de France Initiative
The Global Institute for Advanced Study at New York University is pleased to announce the formation of a new faculty exchange initiative between New York University and the Collège de France. Paul Boghossian, Director of the Global Institute for Advanced

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Advisory Board + Colleagues
The purpose of the Advisory Board + Colleagues initiative is to bring together a distinguished group of persons from the worlds of politics, business, the sciences and the arts to share expertise about topics that urgently call for high-level research

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Widespread Puzzling Beliefs
This project seeks to better understand this phenomenon of what we are calling “widespread puzzling beliefs.” These are beliefs seemingly held by many—for example, that the recent U.S. presidential election was stolen, that climate change is a hoax, or that

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Armenian Genocide Denial
The Armenian Genocide Denial project will support and produce research on the history and dynamics of Armenian genocide denial, its geopolitical and economic implications, and the struggle against it both within and outside Turkey. The project will encourage comparative, multidisciplinary

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Covid-19 Think Tank
The GIAS Covid-19 Think Tank’s mission is to contribute to the University’s understanding of the challenges it faces in re-opening safely and to come up with specific ideas that might help achieve that goal.

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Work: The Hard Problem
The jobs created by the industrial revolution did at least four important things. One, of course, was producing goods. A second was providing employees (and shareholders) income. A third was creating new forms of community. And the fourth was giving

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Public Safety Lab
With the support of the Global Institute of Advanced Study, the Public Safety Lab has been launched to apply the tools of data science and social science to the project of producing better public safety outcomes. For example, many relatively

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Rethinking Global Infrastructure Finance
Observers of the global economy have noted that investment in infrastructure—from airports in the U.S. to power plants in Nigeria—could help achieve sustainable growth throughout the world and address challenges in both advanced and emerging economies by raising productivity, prospective

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Canonical Neural Computation
Led by Anthony Movshon, this project studies neural computations that appear in many different species and brain regions, suggesting that a set of common algorithms forms a basic repertoire that is used in many different brains. Many of these computations

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